Take Instruments & Music home today from Woodland after school!!!!
You will need to bring the FHS PAC at 6:30 pm for the Concert tonight.
Concert Attire: Wear your Orchestra T-Shirt!!!
+ nice jeans and tennis shoes.
(Students will meet to tune and warm up in the FHS Orchestra room behind the PAC Stage)
IMPORTANT INFO: Every student will need to pick up a manilla folder with their name on it when they arrive in the Orchestra room (in a container by class grade level). This has their award certificates and each student must pick up their folder before the concert begins for attendance and to receive their certificates. There is also a sign-in sheet initialing their name on the sign-in that they have picked up their manilla folder.
Take Instruments & Music home today from Woodland after school!!!!
You will need to bring the FHS PAC at 6:30 pm for the Concert tonight.
Concert Attire: Wear your Orchestra T-Shirt!!!
+ nice jeans and tennis shoes.
(Students will meet to tune and warm up in the FHS Orchestra room behind the PAC Stage)
IMPORTANT INFO: Every student will need to pick up a manilla folder with their name on it when they arrive in the Orchestra room (in a container by class grade level). This has their award certificates and each student must pick up their folder before the concert begins for attendance and to receive their certificates. There is also a sign-in sheet initialing their name on the sign-in that they have picked up their manilla folder.
Orchestras IMPORTANT: All FHS Orchestras are expected to attend the FHS Orchestra Spring Strings Concert *Rehearsals and Concerts are required attendance & count for a significant part of the overall class grade. Vertical Divider
Jr. High
Orchestras IMPORTANT: All Jr. High Orchestras are expected to attend the FHS Orchestra Spring Strings Concert on Monday, 4/29/24 (You will need to watch the entire performance for a class grade) *8th Grade will also perform with the FHS Orchestra ------------------------ All Jr. High Orchestras are also expected to attend the Jr. High Orchestra Spring Strings Concert on Thursday, 5/9/24 (All Jr. Orchestras will perform at this Concert) *7th & 8th Grade will also perform *Rehearsals and Concerts are required attendance & count for a significant part of the overall class grade. |